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AACTA drama noms for TV, short films and online fiction

As times change against the culture warriors, a very different Australia is crowding into our stories. It can be funny,…


What We're Watching: November

From Fargo to The Crown, The Queen's Gambit, an accessible Irish Film Festival and the puzzling new game Baba is…


Screen News in Brief: Breaking the Ice, Victoria back in business

Cinemas open, feminist docs rule, production re-starts and Liam Neeson will be around town in Melbourne this month. Here's our…


New National Drawing Centre brings Australia in line with global trend

Where better than to punch out the parameters of drawing in our times than an art school? The National Art…

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Developing business skills for a bright future in screen arts

Learn how you can hone your business skills to be part of the next generation of screen leaders with a…


Australian Directors' Guild Awards 2020: More than half the winners are women

Announced in a virtual ceremony, the director's awards celebrated achievements of diverse newcomers and established talent in a year of…


News in Brief: What a week - Bluey joy, Feds whack sector, fests are back!

Cry, laugh, fight, keep going. It's hard to know where to start, but Bluey will do. Queensland is the centre…


WAAPA’s future home to be a high-tech campus in Perth CBD

Perth's arts and business communities have welcomed the recent announcement that Edith Cowan University, including WAAPA, will relocate to a…


Think tank: can virtual production transform screen budgets?

Virtual production is an amazing toy for the big end of production, but a panel at Screen Makers sees wider…


How to have a screen career – ten tips that really matter

Ten ways to be part of the future. Because the COVID hiatus will be history.

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