Greenstone: Scandinavians get entertained by dead Kiwis
Sky: snuggles up closer with Vodafone, throws out some monthly charges
MySky HDi, previously a $15 item on the monthly bill, disappears like a puff of smoke now that competition, in…
NZ News: by the numbers Monday 16.11.09
TVOne had particularly good numbers throughout the day.
New Zealand Weekend Box Office to November 15
Misery loves company. After a film featuring a dead man tops the ratings for the last couple of weeks, 2012,…
James Cameron: walks on digital water and collects realworld awards
James Cameron lines up a couple of awards ahead of Avatar's release and talks about moving a few inconveniently-located mountains.
NZ News: by the numbers Friday 13.11.09
Not really a Black Friday for anybody.
SPADA 09: the truth is out there
In a session cruelly programmed against Matthew Weiner's second appearance, Film NZ's acting CEO Sue Thompson presented the double act…
SPADA 09: How far is te reo Maori from mainstream primetime?
Not unlike after the recent Rugby World Cup fiasco, Maori again seem to have been left with the short straw.…
SPADA 09: winners get the clap
The Minister of Broadcasting hosted, TVNZ sponsored and a grand time was had to wrap up SPADA's Get Ahead conference…
SPADA09: Anthony I. Ginnane
Here is the full text of Anthony's speech at the SPADA conference