Jini Maxwell

Jini Maxwell is a writer and curator who lives in Naarm. They are an assistant curator at ACMI, where they also host the Women & Non-binary gamers club. They write about videogames and the people who make them. You can find them on Twitter @astroblob

Jini's Latest Articles


How to build an airship

Screenhub caught up with digital environment designer Su-Yiin Lai to talk about the speculative architecture, videogames, and working between disciplines.


What's streaming in December?

The holidays are coming around, and we're ready to kick back and relax. Let's look at what's on while you're…


Box Office: The calm before the snowstorm

Screenhub brings you this week's box office biz, from stoned teens to snow queens.


Google's Tea Uglow gives us the benefit of the doubt

The director of Google’s Creative Labs talks to Screenhub about doubt, technology, and the joy of a good failure.


Box Office: A Week of Fast Cars and Hidden Gems

This week at the Aussie box office we receive an object lesson in the disparity between commercial success and critical…


Small Screen Highlights: from Aussie dramas to Disney Plus

What our office has been watching, hearing and loving, featuring an unexpected recommendation from Werner Herzog.


Box Office: Aussie films move the critics – what about the crowds?

As Christmas creeps into the box office, we take a look at whether audiences are feeling the festive spirit.


Collecting the history of video games

Ahead of the NFSA's Digital Directions conference, screenhub talks to Jon-Paul Dyson of The Strong National Museum of Play.


November in Streaming: Stan, Foxtel, Netflix, and introducing Disney +

Our top picks and hot goss on what's new to Netflix, Disney+, Stan, Foxtel in November.


Box Office: Something old, something new...

Things get nostalgic at the box office this week, in more ways than one.

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