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Image: Jakob Owens on Unsplash.

ABC offers internships to cast of The Assembly

The ABC has offered paid internships to autistic student journalists from anticipated series The Assembly.

Filmmaking student Felix Wilkins (far right) and two friends sit on a couch and can be seen through a video camera screen in the foreground.
Education & Student News

Why I’m studying… Diploma of Screen and Media

Aspiring filmmaker Felix Wilkins chose to study close to home at Collarts in Melbourne. He says meeting fellow students is…


One Piece director Emma Sullivan: 'If you think you've understood how big it is, you haven't.'

One Piece director Emma Sullivan talks influences, fears and surprises when directing the new Netflix adaptation.

Opinions & Analysis

The Hollywood writers' strike is a move against digital feudalism

Yes, there are more jobs to go round, but they often pay less and place writers on short-order contracts.

Career Advice

Location scouting 101: where to shoot your film in Australia

Finding the perfect place to shoot your film in Australia can be a bit of a headache, so we've got…


Originate Factual: new initiative for Victoria's factual screen producers

Delivered under the mentorship of experienced documentary producers, Originate Factual will champion the talent of mid-career creatives.

Megan Herbert, illustrator, writer, cartoonist and live-drawer
Career Advice

Want to be a scriptwriter? Megan Herbert says: 'just put it out there'

What's the 100-day project? And what if you've been told your artform isn't 'real' work? Meet writer and political cartoonist…

CEO Cathy Payne. Photo: Banijay Rights.

Cathy Payne, Banijay Rights CEO: the eight rules for TV finance and distribution

'If we do not protect and fight for our local industry, who will?' Payne asked at this week's Hector Crawford…

Emma Stone at Cannes 2015. Shutterstock
Career Advice

Get your mojo back with a 'visibility plan' for 2022

Both individuals and organisations need to be ready to step into the limelight and shine at full bore, says Karen…

composer Brett Aplin in studio
Career Advice

So you want my screen job: Brett Aplin, composer

Meet Brett Aplin, the film and television composer whose credits include The Gloaming, Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries and James…

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