Old People’s Home for Teenagers returns this October

The heartwarming reality series Old People's Home for Teenagers returns for season 2 this October on ABC.

The ABC reality series Old People’s Home for Teenagers will return on 3 October, broadcasting on ABC TV at 8.30pm and available to stream any time afterward on ABC iview.

There’ll be six new episodes, all focusing on a new set of teens and seniors that will continue the intergenerational experiment that began with Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds.

Watch the trailer for the new season below:

Old People’s Home for Teenagers season 1 brought seniors and teenagers together, resulting in a compelling global-first experiment. ABC says that ‘significant benefits’ were seen from the intergenerational program, transforming the lives of both groups not only for the better but also re-invigorating their futures.

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Although the seniors shown in the series live in close proximity, they report suffering from loneliness, isolation and depression. The teenagers are also navigating a difficult time of life, as they struggle to develop their independence and self-worth. Together they will participate in a series of activities to learn more about each other, challenge the way they think, and hopefully break down ageist beliefs in both groups.

ABC hopes that by continuing this experiment it will reveal a way to keep the elderly active, become more connected to their local communities, have a deeper self-worth and regain a sense of purpose and in turn, encourage our teenagers to be more resilient, confident and form genuine friendships within their own age bracket and beyond.

The series is narrated by Annabel Crabb.

 Old People’s Home for Teenagers, Season 1, and Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds can be streamed now on ABC iview.

Old People’s Home for Teenagers season 2 premieres on 3 October, on ABC.

Silvi Vann-Wall is a journalist, podcaster, and filmmaker. They joined ScreenHub as Film Content Lead in 2022. Twitter: @SilviReports