This week at the box office, Russel Crowe-fronted Unhinged dethroned The King of Staten Island. The thriller opened on 207 screens to a keen though socially distanced audience, to bring in $800,028. Making for a screen average of $3,865, these numbers look eerily like an average from the beforetimes and it is heartening to see, despite cinemas closing across Victoria, as the state commits to stage three lockdown, with stage four in effect in Melbourne.
At number two is The Secret: Dare To Dream, for everyone who wants to manifest their way out of a worldwide pandemic – but its screen average is a little less than aspirational. Showing on 233 screens in its debut week, the film brought in just $225,964, for a screen average of $970. The other debut in the charts, the British 23 Walks, is looking a little wobblier; showing on 138 screens, the film brought in a screen average of just $257, for a weekend total of $35,530.