Brief: new faces at Film Victoria, with one familiar face to leave

Charlie Carman, the manager script development for six years will leave Film Victoria on July 19th. Meanwhile, Clara Reeves, Jeni McMahon, Franziska Wagenfeld and Sue Edwards join the team.
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Charlie Carman, the manager script development for six years will leave Film Victoria on July 19th. Meanwhile, Clara Reeves, Jeni McMahon, Franziska Wagenfeld and Sue Edwards join the team.

Since the late 1990’s, Film Victoria has maintained a specialist position for documentary, held until recently until Steve Warne. Now Jeni McMahon is one of the two new development and investment managers. She has been a documentary producer for fourteen years, and her credits include Coniston, Then the Wind Changed, Going Bush, Bush Mechanics and Sister Pearls and Mission Girls for which she also has a writing credit.

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