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a man in front of a blue wall celebrating a win.
Career Advice

Four ways to achieve your work goals in 2022

Back at work with fresh eyes for the year? Here's how to take your career to new places in 2022.

Little girl framing face with painted fingers
Career Advice

Branding Yourself: what's your 'user experience'?

Stop thinking of branding as 'selling out'. Clarity and consistency help you share your authentic creative gifts.

Career Advice

Beating the Computer's Selection Process when applying for jobs

Automated CV scanners use very blunt tools to cull applicants. Here are some tips to get yours seen by human…

Career Advice

Building Strengths versus Improving Weaknesses

Setting an ambitious artistic career goal? Tahlia Norrish shares two prompts from the world of elite sports that will get…

Career Advice

Bystander Intervention for Freelancers

How do you speak up for the rights of others when you don't have job security? Media Mentor Esther Coleman-Hawkins…

Career Advice

Cold Email Etiquette: how to ask for work

Sending that scary email could change your life. The Media Mentor shows you how, with practical templates to get you…

Career Advice

Ask the Mentor: how do I get my first job?

Getting started is hard, but fortune favours the relentless. Also, you should get cracking on LinkedIn, says Media Mentor Esther…

Career Advice

Getting real with your career - the power of a breakthrough moment

Before that first opportunity, there is often a moment when you realise the shape of your life. This is how…

Career Advice

Ask the Mentor: I've forgotten how to network in real life

Online conferences were great for shy people, but now in-person events are back. Brush up on your social skills and…

Career Advice

How to thrive with performance anxiety

Nerves are normal and part of our human conditioning. These simple strategies can help you shine at your next audition,…

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