Film NZ: CEO resigns

Judith McCann has today announced her resignation as Chief Executive of Film New Zealand (Film NZ), the national film office, a position she has held since July 2004.
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Judith McCann has today announced her resignation as Chief Executive of Film New Zealand (Film NZ), the national film office, a position she has held since July 2004.

“It’s been a challenging and rewarding experience leading the newly-constituted industry-led trust through its formative years” observed Ms McCann. “We’ve secured the industry’s support and recognition of our role in economic development from Government. Film NZ’s now has a solid long term operational funding commitment from the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) that has increased this financial year to $799K and is scheduled to increase to $833K next year. Film NZ’s international marketing of the screen production industry’s talent, capability and infrastructure has expanded strongly into Asia while maintaining our networks and presence in the USA and Europe.”

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