Flickerfest: jogging your arm

Esteemed Flickerfest would like to remind wonderful filmmakers that the deadline for entries is a mere ten days away. in the following press release are many comforting blandishments..
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,em>Esteemed Flickerfest would like to remind wonderful filmmakers that the deadline for entries is a mere ten days away. in the following press release, are many comforting blandishments..

Dear Friends

The Flickerfest office is awash with entries with only 10 days to go until deadline for our Australian entries and 17 days for International Submissions. Our esteemed Selection Committee are already on the job viewing films from far parts of the globe along with our own homegrown shorts.  So if you haven’t already sent in your latest short film masterpiece please visit our website at www.flickerfest.com.au to download an entry form. Our deadline for Australian entries is September 14th 2007.  For international entries the deadline is September 21st.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.