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In the Company of Actors (aka The Hedda Complex)

Nicholas Pickard is less than impressed with In the Company of Actors, the much buzzed film that follows the Sydney…


Following your dream... all the way to LA

ARTS HUB AUSTRALIA — Creative worker Heather Forbes was invited by a friend to go to LA for an all…


Behind the scenes at Planetary Chaos

ARTS HUB AUSTRALIA — Kate Welsman - or Systa bb as she is otherwise known - tells us why, 15…


The Real 300 – Greek War Games, Politics, Critics and Rhetoric

ARTS HUB AUSTRALIA — Heated debate over the film adaptation of Frank Miller’s 300 is the most important thing to…





Art and the Desert: Welcome to Dubai

Gordon Finlayson takes us on a journey to the rapidly growing arts scene in the United Arab Emirates in the…


Economists and the Arts

Arts Hub Australia — There is still a major task before the arts community to engage not only with government…


For mr tiley

Hi David, check the asx for Magna Pacific. Should have a notice posted.


No market for first time filmmakers?

Earlier this year we spoke to big and small screen techno-thespian David Hewlett about his feature film debut A Dog's…


Bigger, better, stronger: says new Arts Hub Chairman

Arts Hub founders Fiona Boyd and David Eedle have sold the company to someone whose interests it could be argued,…

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