Senate rebels against its own enquiry into the ABC and SBS

Yes we will becomes no we won't in Senate ructions over the ABC and SBS complaints inquiry.
Australian Senate

In the cool, clear language of bureaucracy, this is what happens when the government gets sneaky on the public broadcasters.

On 11 November 2021, under Standing Order 25(2)(a)(v), the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee agreed to inquire into the complaints handling arrangements of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the Special Broadcasting Service.

In particular, the committee agreed to examine the adequacy of the existing arrangements to provide a framework that is accessible, responsive, efficient, accountable and fit-for-purpose.

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David Tiley was the Editor of Screenhub from 2005 until he became Content Lead for Film in 2021 with a special interest in policy. He is a writer in screen media with a long career in educational programs, documentary, and government funding, with a side order in script editing. He values curiosity, humour and objectivity in support of Australian visions and the art of storytelling.