News: football was the winner

After a few months off from the monthly figure manipulation of news viewers following the demise of Sunrise, TVNZ and TV3 return to the fray.
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After a few months off from the monthly figure manipulation of news viewers following the demise of Sunrise, TVNZ and TV3 return to the fray.

TVNZ claims “huge numbers”, with an average 700,000 watching One News in June.

However, 3 News claimed victory in some of the demographics, taking a 32.7% share compared to TVNZ’s 29.4% (18-49) – TV3’s preferred demographic; 32.7% to TVNZ’s 24.1% (18-49 Auckland Urban); and 32.6% to 18.8% (18-39 Auckland Urban). TV3 was particularly happy with the numbers in TV One’s preferred 25-54 demographic, winning 31.4% to 26.4%.

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