Equity and SPADA: silence is golden, but not improving hopes for Hobbit

Yesterday morning SPADA and Equity gazed into one another's eyes across a table for the first time in a while, with Minister for Economic Development Gerry Brownlee refereeing. Following the meeting,
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Yesterday morning SPADA and Equity gazed into one another’s eyes across a table for the first time in a while, with Minister for Economic Development Gerry Brownlee refereeing. Following the meeting, Brownlee’s office issued one of the less informative releases we’ve seen in a while. On the bright side, no blood was left on the floor of the meeting room.

Despite the considerable media interest in the outcome of the negotiations, it won’t come quickly. The discussion will probably become cyclical for a while, as each side tests the other to determine what constitutes a deal-breaker and what a bargaining chip. It wouldn’t make riveting viewing.

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