MIFF: Audience Poll winners

Thank You For Smoking won the audience award at MIFF with Jeremy Sims' Last Train to Freo the highest rated Aussie feature. In docos the winners were An Inconvenient Truth and a flick on the Meredith
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2006 MIFF guest Jason Reitman’s Thank You For Smoking has been voted most popular feature film, while Davis Guggenheim’s An Inconvenient Truth has been voted most popular documentary in the 2006 MIFF Audience Poll.

Consistent with the robust Australian Showcase this year, five Australian films have made it into the MIFF Audience Poll’s Top 20 Features – Jeremy Sims’ directorial debut Last Train to Freo, Gregory Read’s Like Minds, Melbourne director Alkinos Tsilimidos’ Em 4 Jay, Ana Kokkinos’ The Book of Revelation and Tony Roger’s Rats and Cats.

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