Beyond: marching towards the horizon, preview disks in hand..

Recent sales after MIPTV ensure mean that you can go to very, very obscure parts of the planet and be comforted by an Australian program. 'Backyard Science' comes to Vladivostok.
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Recent sales after MIPTV ensure mean that you can go to very, very obscure parts of the planet and be comforted by an Australian program. ‘Backyard Science’ comes to Vladivostok.

Beyond International has concluded another series of strong international sales of its world leading programmes following MIPTV.

In finalising these deals, Beyond one of the world’s leading producers and distributors of television programmes, has reinforced the geographic reach of its product with major sales to Discovery Europe, Finland, Russia, Thailand and the Ukraine.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.