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Disturbing trend damaging actors’ mental health
Forced to wait up to four months to hear the outcome of an audition, actors' mental health is regularly suffering.

Documentary filmmaking classes for the Bold and Beautiful
A series of workshops specifically for women and gender diverse people aged over 40 exemplifies the agency of human involvement.

The heady trajectory from the corporate world to Cannes and Netflix
From office life to MumLife, an alumna from the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) reflects on her journey…

Ten tips for creating a web series that cuts through the noise
Be bold, grab attention and ask for help. Good advice on making web series from writers and producers Amanda Reedy…

Why I’m studying… Game Design and Production at UniSA
Third-year student Emily Brown talks about her passion for 3D modelling, her pathway to study and advice for other students.

ChatGPT and new AI screenwriting tools: insights from Screen ForeverÂ
New technologies are always met with some level of resistance, but there are some real issues (and positives) with the…

Metro magazine’s future under threat
Australia's oldest and most prestigious screen publication is under threat. A campaign hopes to raise funds and find a partner.

Aus student film Friends of Mine premiering this weekend at ReelGood
Friends of Mine started life as Andréas Giannopoulos' graduating project at AFTRS, and is now an award-winning short film that…

7 Podcasts to boost your creativity
Be inspired by these podcasts about the creative process, from Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Magic Lessons' to Seth Godin's 'Akimbo'.

Twitter accounts film and cinema lovers need to follow
A round-up of the Twitter accounts you should follow if you talk about, make, or just simply watch movies.