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Tetris film Apple TV+

‘Tetris’ on Apple TV+ review: a boiling pot that's about to bubble over 

Tetris turns the game's licensing saga into entertaining high-stakes drama, and most of its embellishments work well to keep you…

Axiom Verge 2

Game Review: Axiom Verge 2 - Engagement is optional

Axiom Verge 2 attempts to create a free-form Metroidvania, but is let down by its lack of variety and incentive…


Game Review - 'Deathloop' proves that your creative wits are the best weapon

Designed around building your confidence and agency, Deathloop succeeds showing you that the most powerful weapon is your ability to…

The Artful Escape review key art

Game Review: The Artful Escape is a sight and sound to behold

A Melbourne-made, sensory journey of transformation, The Artful Escape revels in galaxy-spanning, mind-altering, maximalist sensation.

A spider and a bower bird in Webbed

Game Review: Webbed finds effortless joy in its movement and playfulness

From Queensland-based studio Sbug Games, Webbed is delightfully playful in both its design ethos and core mechanics.

Hoa game art

Game Review - Hoa is a gorgeous slice of escapism

Beautiful and minimal, Hoa proves that you don’t need clever puzzles or wild combat to succeed as a platformer.

Meredith from the video game, Lake

Game Review: Lake is serene, focussed, and authentic

Lake is a meditative character study that exhibits great confidence with its ebbs and flows.

Key art for Wrestledunk Sports

Game Review: Wrestledunk Sports sparks party-like joy, even amidst a pandemic

The South Australian-made Wrestledunk Sports pits players against each other in games that can leave everyone roaring with laughter.

The poster for videogame Twelve Minutes (12 Minutes)

Game Review - Twelve Minutes mistakes shock for substance

An A-list Hollywood cast can't help the fact that Twelve Minutes ultimately has nothing of value to say.

Psychonauts 2 key art

Game Review: Psychonauts 2 flaunts a wonderfully bizarre world

Psychonauts 2 features the same high caliber of fantastically unusual environments and characters that made the original a cult classic.

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