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Actors' mental health is profoundly affected by unreasonable casting practices.

Disturbing trend damaging actors’ mental health

Forced to wait up to four months to hear the outcome of an audition, actors' mental health is regularly suffering.

Filmmaking student Felix Wilkins (far right) and two friends sit on a couch and can be seen through a video camera screen in the foreground.
Education & Student News

Why I’m studying… Diploma of Screen and Media

Aspiring filmmaker Felix Wilkins chose to study close to home at Collarts in Melbourne. He says meeting fellow students is…


Screenwriter David Hannam shares tips for would-be TV writers

If TV is entering its 'post-Golden Era' there are still some dos and don'ts to keep you on the right…

Education & Student News

Metro magazine’s future under threat

Australia's oldest and most prestigious screen publication is under threat. A campaign hopes to raise funds and find a partner.

Education & Student News

Josh King: from film graduate to Head Camera on Alone Australia

Josh King studied film at uni, a decision which propelled him into working as a cameraman for multiple local and…


Twitter accounts film and cinema lovers need to follow

A round-up of the Twitter accounts you should follow if you talk about, make, or just simply watch movies.


Perth teen horror The Curse of Baba Yaga comes to TikTok

The found footage series follows two schoolboys, James and Luca, as they uncover a string of disappearances in their peaceful…

Career Advice

Location scouting 101: where to shoot your film in Australia

Finding the perfect place to shoot your film in Australia can be a bit of a headache, so we've got…

Megan Herbert, illustrator, writer, cartoonist and live-drawer
Career Advice

Want to be a scriptwriter? Megan Herbert says: 'just put it out there'

What's the 100-day project? And what if you've been told your artform isn't 'real' work? Meet writer and political cartoonist…

A woman strangles another woman

Falling for Figaro producer Judi Levine on going global with a filmmaking family

Judi Levine took her family with her as she made films like Falling for Figaro around the globe. David Tiley…

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