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Ego: The Michael Gudinski Story

Ego: The Michael Gudinski Story Review - MIFF 2023

Director Paul Goldman aims for the impossible in summing up the life of a legend.


Audrey Napanangka review: an enriching piece of Australian cinema

Shot over ten years, this film about Audrey Napanangka provides an expansive yet intimate portrait of a family living between…


My Old School review: this head-spinning doco is a must-see

Featuring a lip-synching performance by Scottish star Alan Cumming, My Old School asks if we can really trust our memories.


Film review: Richard Mosse: Broken Spectre

A moving image work highlighting the silent destruction of the Amazon rainforest that deserves everyone’s attention.


Senses of Cinema film review: Australia’s history on screen

Senses of Cinema was filmed over 10 years to give insight into the little recognised Australian film co-op.

Poet Don Ashby in A still from abc TV People’s Republic of Mallacoota

People’s Republic of Mallacoota review: beyond the Black Summer bushfires

The six-part ABC documentary follows the Victorian coastal town's efforts to recover following the bushfires of 2019 and 2020.


Film Review: River is a visual spectacle

Jennifer Peedom’s documentary sequel is awash with beautiful images but might struggle to reach the heights of its predecessor.

Shane Warne pictured in his playing days, from the new documentary Shane.

Film Review: Shane – nice story, heavy spin

Celebrity connections abound but surely more could have been made of Warne’s intelligence and tenacity?

Carlo Ledesma & Steve Davis, The Tunnel

Film Review: The Tunnel - The Other Side of Darkness

An out-of-the-box independent Australian horror movie from 2011 gets a welcome but unexpected making-of documentary ten years later.

Franco di Cozzo in Palazzo Di Cozzo

Film Review: Palazzo Di Cozzo celebrates Melbourne institution

This documentary about Melbourne furniture tycoon Franco Cozzo treads lightly but entertains. Megalo!

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