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Image: Jakob Owens on Unsplash.

ABC offers internships to cast of The Assembly

The ABC has offered paid internships to autistic student journalists from anticipated series The Assembly.

Career Advice

Lesser known tax deductions for creative freelancers

What are some of the tax deductions freelance creatives can and can't claim?

Book cover of The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, photographed against a background of an oil painting with a calligraphy pen resting on top.

The Artist’s Way – an invitation to change your life

Julia Cameron's creativity manual is still a global bestseller, three decades after it was first published. Come on the journey…


How method acting could empower women

Natalie Portman says method acting is a ‘luxury women can’t afford’ – but new research shows how it can empower…

small house made of matches is burning on one side.
Career Advice

How to leave a job in the arts without burning bridges

Setting the house alight as you walk away looks good in movies, but in life it's best to leave nicely…

Young man in spectacles wearing turtleneck and blazer sits on floor balancing a laptop on knees, with a backpack at his side.
Education & Student News

10 tips for combining work and study in the arts

Be realistic and get organised. From timeboxing to flexible jobs, these ideas will help you find balance and reduce the…

Anyone But You, Prime Video.

Anyone But You cinematographer Danny Ruhlmann: 'The wedding scene is paramount'

How can camera work elevate a classic romcom script? Local cinematographer Danny Ruhlmann explains.

rejection. image is of a woman with dark hair and her face covered by her hands as she deals with creative rejection.

9 ways to help you deal with creative rejection

Hearing "no" is never easy but recovering from rejection is a necessary part of the artist’s life. Here are some…

Education & Student News

Screen opportunities roundup – November 2023

Your monthly round up of screen industry opportunities, from open film submissions to professional placements.


How to make it in Hollywood: Australian actors and directors share their insights at SXSW Sydney

Director Philip Noyce, screenwriter Amy Wang and actors Charmaine Bingwa and Jason Clarke shared their secrets on making it in…

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