Animfx: Joseph Olin, size is relative

There's little that is small about the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS), of which Joseph Olin has been President since 2004. A US-based industry organisation (with 22,000 members) which c
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There’s little that is small about the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS), of which Joseph Olin has been President since 2004. A US-based industry organisation (with 22,000 members) which can afford, along with the equally US-based Visual Effects Society (VES), to be a principal partner of Animfx, doesn’t really do small – at least by NZ standards.

The programme for its annual awards bash runs to 64 very glossy pages; the programme for its annual Design Innovate Communicate Entertain (DICE) conference, an equally glossy 48.

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