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Shaun Micallef's Origin Odyssey, SBS review: comedians take a trip with ramshackle authenticity
Six Australian comedians explore their heritage with Shaun Micallef in an SBS series that goes beyond laughs.

Maggie Beer’s Big Mission review: a heart-soaring triumph from the ABC
Championing a lifelong mission to promote healthy eating, Maggie Beer hopes to prove that minor tweaks can have a major…

Stuff the British Stole – Season 2, ABC review
Marc Fennell's ABC documentary series Stuff the British Stole, about where the world's treasures belong, is spot-on.

Monday's Experts, ABC review: playing sports comedy with a straight bat
Sporting banter and comedy combine in the ABC's latest stab at a format that's done well elsewhere.

The Art Of..., ABC review: more interested in personalities than art
How to cover 'the Arts' for a broad audience is a perennial problem for the ABC. This show won't satisfy…

Taskmaster Australia S2, Ten, review: polished to a high sheen
The second season of the comedy game show stays fresh and works well, even if everyone on it has been…

WTFAQ on ABC review: funny, factoids, fair enough
Trying to entertain while educating is an ABC mainstay, and this new show is no exception.

The Inspired Unemployed: (Impractical) Jokers review
Four twenty-something mates are on a mission to humiliate each other in the surprisingly inventive laugh-fest The Inspired Unemployed: (Impractical)…

SBS' Alone Australia brings us together in the wilderness
A reality show of who will last longest becomes a surprising observation of cultural history in SBS' Alone Australia.

Review: The Messenger returns to depot without attempting to deliver
ABC drama series The Messenger foregoes a logical narrative for the sake of mystery.