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Opinions & Analysis

Studying two decades of queer representation on Australian TV

Gender-diverse and sexually-diverse stories in Australian TV have changed a lot over two decades.

Opinions & Analysis

10 major predictions for films and TV in 2024

ScreenHub predicts the future of film and television for 2024.

Opinions & Analysis

Why are Aussie Christmas films so bad?

Telemovies have dominated Christmas movies for 50 years – so why are the Aussie straight-to-streaming ones this bad?

Career Advice

We need to talk about money in the arts

Having open conversations about what we earn and how we manage money is the only way to a richer arts…

Opinions & Analysis

Film camera departments – what happens when you're not part of the in-group?

Latest industry research reveals inequitable power dynamics behind the camera on Australian film sets are pernicious and persistent.

Opinions & Analysis

The WGA strike should galvanise Australian screenwriters

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike has some important lessons to teach Australian screen workers, writes David Koutsouridis from…

Opinions & Analysis

Coronations on screen: the good, the bad and the controversial

Real or imagined, the British monarchy is a screen staple, so make no mistake: the coronation will be televised.

Opinions & Analysis

Screen Forever 2023: need to know

As representatives from the screen industry in Australia and elsewhere gather on the Gold Coast, here's some key information.

Opinions & Analysis

'Netflix button': how your remote joined the streaming wars

For streaming services, presence on the remote control provides branding opportunities and a convenient entry point into their app.

Opinions & Analysis

Horror films in the age of Covid: how the pandemic caused a boom

Recent years have seen a fresh wave of blood flooding our screens, with stories that are grotesquely, often terrifyingly, suited…

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