Ticketyboo: Renee Brack on her Alzheimer’s film about her dad

'I was fetal on the couch with the remote in my hand, treating it like a magic wand' said Brack, whose film about her father's Alzheimer's will play at MDFF.

If you had the gene for a deadly disease that had no cure, would you want to know? That was the dilemma faced by journalist Renee Brack after losing her father to Alzheimer’s disease.

Selected for inclusion in the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival, Ticketyboo is heart wrenching and heartwarming in equal measure, and a searing look at the way Australian society treats its elderly.

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Silvi Vann-Wall is a journalist, podcaster, and filmmaker. They joined ScreenHub as Film Content Lead in 2022. Twitter: @SilviReports