Taymaynari Productions

Studio 66 Film Nights

Run by Taymaynari Productions and The Fitzroy Art Collective; Studio 66 Film Nights is a small but growing Melbourne film night/festival that aims to give light to local films that…


Opportunity Details

Closing Date





Run by Taymaynari Productions and The Fitzroy Art Collective; Studio 66 Film Nights is a small but growing Melbourne film night/festival that aims to give light to local films that may not otherwise have had the chance.

Present Filmmakers will be asked a series of questions about their project by our host, award winning film maker Brett Sixtysix.

Unfortunately our venue is very old and is not wheelchair accessible.
Film comp submission fee here: https://www.meetup.com/the-fitzroy-art-collective/events/295481913/

Each film night has a dedicated theme which submitters are required to follow.

The present audience votes for their top three films of each night.

Each of the three films receives a laurel.
The winning film is crowned audience choice of the night and is then put into our end of year night where audiences will then vote for film of the year!

– No film over 20 Minutes
– No racism or homophobia without context.
– No extreme violence without context
– Warnings will be given for any film that depicts rape, suicide, nudity, or flashing lights
– Filmmakers local from Melbourne, Australia get priority.
– All Films are screened privately prior to acceptance.
– Only submit to this festival if you are willing to have your film screened (online, including YouTube, Vimeo, local television and at our venue).
– Submitting filmmakers are strongly recommended to attend.

For more information, visit Taymaynari Productions