Grant Details



Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type





Western Australia


Travel Fund

The Screenwest travel fund assists with the costs of travel for Western Australian creatives and digital games developers / interactive practitioners to attend key national and international screen industry markets, or festivals and awards.

Travel funding assistance is highly competitive and is not automatic. Support and approval depends on the competitive strength of the application and the availability of funds.

Funding is available for three types of activities:

  1. Screen Industry Markets. Applications will need to demonstrate a slate of projects with market interest and a significant track record. Funding will be allocated to applicants looking to solidify finance and market partners for a project / slate of projects.
  2. Festivals & Awards. For practitioners nominated for a major award, or to represent project/s with confirmed screenings in a major festival (see eligibility).
  3. Digital Games Industry Events & Conferences. For digital game studios and independent developers (including game designers, producers and game developers) to attend networking events and conferences to build relationships with publishers, partners and promote projects.

Applications will be open year round, however, some highly attended screen industry markets / conferences will have specific funding rounds to allow for the high volume of applications we receive.

Please refer to the below guidelines for info on eligibility, funding caps, application materials required and other general conditions.

For more information, visit Screenwest