Grant Details


Market development

Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type






Screen Australia

P&A Plus

This program is designed to enhance the distribution and marketing of quality Australian films across traditional and alternative release platforms.

Funding can be sought to support the traditional theatrical ANZ release of completed feature films that have an established local distributor attached, or for alternative release campaigns in certain circumstances (see box below).

Funding for traditional release is provided for activities commonly understood to come under the banner of ‘P&A expenditure’. The funding should not replace a distributor’s pre-existing P&A commitment, but rather add value to the confirmed investment already in place.

Nor does this fund replace the items in the Dedicated Marketing Budget of Screen Australia–financed productions, but should enhance the marketing, promotion and advertising of individual projects to increase audience potential and revenue.

The program operates as a commercial loan fund. Applications will be judged with regard to the revenue estimates provided, and applicants will need to demonstrate how Screen Australia funding will increase audience reach.

For more information, visit Screen Australia

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