Grant Details



Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander arts


All Screen


South Australia

South Australian Film Corporation

First Nations Practitioner Development Fund

The First Nations Practitioner Development fund supports First Nations key creatives, cast and crew to undertake professional development opportunities that will help to achieve career goals. The program advances the First Nations Screen Strategy (2020-25) by enabling First Nations screen practitioners to develop their craft, build their careers and grow their professional networks nationally and internationally.

What is on offer?

Funds may be sought as a contribution towards the travel and accommodation costs associated with undertaking a professional course or training program, attending an industry event, film festival (for which they have been selected), market or conference or participating in an attachment or placement with an established production company.

This program is only open to First Nations screen practitioners who are residents in South Australia.

Applicants must supply a budget for their travel and can apply for up to $1,500 per annum. Funds through this program may be combined with other SAFC programs such as Conference and Market Subsidy or Export Market Travel Funding and with funding from other agencies including Screen Australia.

Travel costs to meet with broadcasters or decision-makers will not be eligible for funding through this program unless the meeting is scheduled to take place within a recognised festival, conference, or market.

Key dates

Applications are open at any time here:


Please contact us if you require these guidelines in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.

For more information, visit South Australian Film Corporation