Grant Details


Skills development

Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type

LGBTIQ artist


All Screen


Western Australia


Diversity and Inclusion Fund - Access

The Diversity & Inclusion Fund is a special fund to support the creation and growth of diverse representation on and/or behind the camera from targeted underrepresented groups of Western Australian screen industry practitioners. It has a particular focus on practitioners from CaLD backgrounds, living with disability, LGBTQIA+ and intersectionalities of these practitioners. This is the Diversity and Inclusion Fund – Access stream.

Diversity & Inclusion – Access

This stream accepts applications anytime throughout the year for Western Australian Production Companies to provide attachment opportunities and/or to assist with physical accessibility to professional productions for underrepresented Western Australians, within the identified focus areas. Individual practitioners may apply, or a Production Company may apply on behalf of the practitioner.

  • Screenwest funded productions will be prioritised, along with proposals that may lead to ongoing opportunities and/or employment.
  • Given the demand on funds, Screenwest will likely only be able to support a select number of opportunities per year.

You can apply for:

  • Up to $10,000 per application.
  • These funds may be used for Attachment opportunities, or for specific accessibility costs on a production.

For more information, visit Screenwest