Screen Australia
Documentary Commissioned Program

The Commissioned Program supports one-off documentaries and series productions – for Commissioning Platforms.
The program targets projects of at least a commercial half-hour in duration, with a minimum budget of $250,000 per hour, and a confirmed domestic commission. Screen Australia’s maximum contribution is $1 million. Minimum licence fees apply. All finance must be in place at application. Screen Australia is ‘last in’.
For the purpose of these Guidelines the term Commissioning Platform includes a free-to-air or subscription television broadcaster and/or streaming platforms such as subscription video on demand (SVOD) and other varieties of video on demand.
The Commissioned Program is designed to support the production of a diverse range of quality documentaries made primarily for free-to-air or subscription television broadcast, SVOD platforms or similar (i.e. Commissioning Platforms), that offer a compelling vision and have clear enduring cultural value.
For more information, visit Screen Australia
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