All Games Opportunities
8 results
Victorian Production Fund – Games
The Victorian Production Fund – Games supports Victorian digital games companies and Victorian key creatives to develop and release high-quality, diverse and engaging digital…

Screen NSW
Digital Games Seed Development Program
Targeted at emerging and small-medium enterprise digital game creators, the fund will provide a grant of up to $30,000 for…

Screen Australia
Games Production Fund
The Games Production Fund offers flexible support to Australian independent gamemakers and games studios. The grant is aimed at projects…

Screen Australia
Emerging Gamemakers Fund
The Emerging Gamemakers Fund offers flexible support to emerging independent games practitioners as well as established gamemakers who are interested…

Professional Development - Digital Games Placements
This fund seeks to support the professional development of digital games developers, in recognition that highly skilled practitioners are vital…

Originate Games
Originate Games supports the development of original early-stage concepts from Victorian game developers, with a focus on new voices and new…

Screen NSW
Digital Games Rebate
The NSW Government is offering a 10 per cent rebate for eligible digital games. Games must have a Qualifying NSW…

South Australian Film Corporation
SA Video Game Development (VGD) Rebate
The SA Video Game Development Rebate (SA VGD Rebate) enables video games studios to claim a percentage of costs incurred…