Grant Details


Major Project

Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type



All Screen



Screen Queensland

Online Production Grants

Screen Queensland’s Online Production Grants support the careers of Queensland creatives and above-the-line (ATL) practitioners by funding the production of online series, offering grants of up to $100,000.

Online series created for YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram Reels, or one-off XR projects intended for public access on a screen-based device can apply for funding.

Grants will be offered in two competitive rounds per year and are open to Queensland creators from all experience levels, across a broad range of genres, including scripted and factual content, with creators retaining full ownership of their Intellectual Property (IP).

Applications for round one close on Monday 28 October, 5pm.

For more information, visit Screen Queensland

ScreenHub Australia does not administer any of the grants advertised. Please contact the advertiser directly with any questions.