Course Details


Bachelor Degree

Study Load

Full Time

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location

New South Wales

Applications Close

Oct 20, 2024


3 years

Course Code

CRICOS 109434B

Torrens University Australia

Bachelor of Performing Arts (Stage and Screen)

What is the Bachelor of Performing Arts?

The Bachelor of Performing Arts (Stage and Screen) is a three-year course delivered by Actors Centre Australia in partnership with Torrens University Australia. Progression through the course results in industry-recognised skills and knowledge that enable students to confidently move forward to more advanced learning and employment.

This degree lets you work collaboratively in all aspects of the production theatre, film, television and online media performances, while engaging in research, theory, and critical analysis of methodologies and philosophies of acting. The degree has been meticulously designed and conceived with each actor’s learning outcomes and professional career employability as the prime considerations.

Learning outcomes

  • Apply a broad and coherent body of knowledge and skills to a range of contexts, genres and styles for public performance.
  • Collaborate in the production of works in a variety of performance styles for theatre, film, television and online media, and consolidate an individual and ensemble performance-making practice.
  • Research and explore theoretical and practical knowledge in a variety of philosophies and methodologies of acting within the contexts of contemporary and classical performance practice.
  • Apply critical thinking and judgement in problem-solving and decision-making as it relates to the research and rehearsal of performance projects.

For more information, visit Torrens University Australia